Practicing with more drastic film emulation characteristics. Fun; kitschy. The goal is to get some real motion picture work going in the near future. Going to need quite the bathtub to hang up 100ft of film for drying. Kidding, I use a salad spinner.

Shot, graded, all the fancy terms. No contracting necessary.

Another context-less shot. Perhaps this one was part of a complete video? No, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Okay, fine. Maybe I'm not giving you the full picture.

One among several shots I took, featured in the following video:

Credit sequence I did for the show "Fix My Brand With Ali Craig®."

If I recall correctly, this was my first attempt to use a variable diopter. Once you go single-focus... (Wait, it's still not in focus?)

The following is from 2021 or older. I will make no further defenses. Sooo two or more years ago.

iOS node-based compositing demo

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